Connecting People and Nature #8

Endangered Animal Species

I came across this video while doing some research for a class that I took and I always have found it to be informative. Yes, this video is a little childish and was aimed towards kids, but I still feel like it lays a basic knowledge about the topic out. In todays world, animals are dipping off the edge of the earth and never returning for so many reasons and most of them begin with humans. Endangered and or Extinct animals have been serious issue we’ve seen for many years now. Starting all the way back from dinosaurs to the list we have today. To fix an issue like this we have to look at out future generations and provide them with the right knowledge to maybe make a difference, they’re are hope.

Important points from video:
  • Amur Leopards (one of the most rarest large cat) are being hunted for their pretty coats, there homes are being destroyed by deforestation/Slash and Burn tactics. Which has left them Critically Endangered .
  • Black Rhino are being poached and hunted for their horns which has left them to be Critically Endangered.
  • Hawkbill Sea Turtle are threatened by the loss of nesting and feeding habitats, excessive egg collection, fishery-related mortality, pollution, and coastal development. However, they are most threatened by wildlife trade. Which has left them on the Critically Endangered list.
  • Mountain Gorillas have been subjected to uncontrolled hunting, disease, habitat loss and the ravages of human conflict. Leaving them Critically Endangered.
  • Pangolin have been known to be killed because humans believe thier scales hold special curing medicine. Leaving them Critically Endangered.
  • ect

Why Should We Save Endangered Species?

-Alix Collins

By clicking the heading you see above , It will take you to an amazing blog post written by Alix Collins called “Why Should We Save Endangered Species?“. She goes into great detail about how its our responcibilities as humans to save and protect our planet.

I really enjoy the way Alix Collins writes in her blog and how she portrays the current issues in todays world regarding animals. From someone whose life revolves around animals its really cool to see someone else share the same passion and love when it comes to animals. Not only that but also sharing the knowledge they already know to people who don’t so people can be more educated on these topics, so we can start making the right decisions.

Some amazing points that Collins brought up in her blog include:

Benefits of Conserving Endangered Species
  • A well-balanced ecosystem maintains the health of the environment. This ensures that human beings have access to clean air and water, and fertile land for agriculture.
  • Clean air and water improves our quality of life, and fertile land for agriculture ensures that we can produce enough food for consumption. A balanced ecosystem also provides us with plants that have medicinal properties
How To Contribute
  • As an individual, you can make an impact by learning about, and raising awareness of, endangered species in your area and across the world. A sustainable way to do this is to get involved as a volunteer and partner with governments and organisations on existing conservation projects.
  • Governments, non-profit organisations, international organisations, local communities, and individuals are working together to contribute towards growing the populations of endangered species.
make a positive imapct
  • GVI’s conservation work also extends to animals that are not yet endangered, such as the cheetah and jaguar. This is because all animals are affected by global warming and environmental challenges. So we’re keeping an eye on as many animal species as possible, and getting involved in their conservation as soon as we can. 

Check out GVI’s wildlife and marine conservation programs in AsiaAfricaEuropeAustralasia and Latin America, and start adding to the conservation of endangered species today.
