Week 5 Questions


1.) Outline the main tenets of classical criminological theory

  • We can see that it explains crime in more of a sense that it is free-will decisions to make criminal choices and behaviors.
  • There are 4 basics elements of classical criminology : Rationality (idea that people choose to commit crime), Hedonism (assumption that people seek pleasure and try to avoid pain), Punishment (acting as a deterrent to crime), Human rights (must be respected by society)
  • We can also see that there are 3 main principles : Human beings have free will and are rational actors, human beings have a certain inalienable rights, there is a social contract between citizens and the state

2.) What role does rational choice play in criminal behavior for classical theorist?

  • For classical theorist the rational choice theory insists that crime is calculated and deliberate
  • In an article found, it’s described as views man as a reasoning actor who weighs means and ends, cost and benefits, and makes a rational choice. The foundation of rational choice theory is behavioral choices, that includes the choice of the person to engage in criminal activity based on intent/premedication and that the possible benefits outweigh the risk (Bond, 2015).
  • This is important to classical theorist because the majority of classical economic theories are based on the assumption of rational choice theory: “individuals make choices that result in the optimal level of benefit or utility for them”

3.) Why is the concept of deterrence so important to classical theory?

  • Deterrence is designed to punish current behavior(s), but also ward off future behaviors through sanctions or threats of sanctions
  • These basic principles of classical theory would later come to be known as deterrence theory
  • I found something interesting online where it compared the rational choice theory and the deterrence theory and how they differ but also connect and I believed that to be important: “rational choice theory states that individuals have free will to choose between criminal and non-criminal behaviors. Deterrence theory, on the other hand, is a choice-based theory that states people commit crimes when the expected benefits of committing a crime outweighs the likely cost of it” (Hasa, 2020)

4.) Outline the importance of certainty, severity, and speed to the deterring effects of punishment

  • “Certainty has a greater impact on deterrence than severity of punishment. Severity refers to the length of a sentence. Studies show that for most individuals convicted of a crime, short to moderate prison sentences may be a deterrent but longer prison terms produce only a limited deterrent effect” (NIJ, 2016).
  • Severity =to the length of a sentence.
  • Certainty= the likelihood of being caught and punished for the commission of a crime.

5.) How rational is choice?

  • According to the definition of rational choice theory, every choice that is made is completed by first considering the costs, risks, and benefits of making that decision
  • Choices that seem irrational to one person may make perfect sense to another base don the individuals desires

6.) Does deterrence work?

  • In my opinion, I think that deterrence does work but also to an extent. For this question I did some research and I came across many articles proving that it does work but as many saying that its a myth.
  • For example, in one article a professors talked about : “The severity of punishment, known as marginal deterrence, has no real deterrent effect, or the effect of reducing recidivism,” he says. “The only minor deterrent effect is the likelihood of apprehension. So if people think they’re more likely to be caught, that will certainly operate to some extent as a deterrent” (Knight, 2020)
  • In another article, it stated “Initial research supported the theory that severe punishments deter crime. A series of studies examining homicide rates found that the severity of punishment for homicide had a deterrent effect” (Johnson, 2019).


6.) Have you been deterred from behaving a certain way because of the threat of formal punishment?

  • I like this question because I feel like everyone at some point in their life will change their behavior due to the thought of formal punishment. I feel as though It’s human nature to do this. No one likes punishment, especially formal punishment. I have done this in all honesty probably more than one time in my life. The first example that came to mind that pertains to me is speeding. As we know cops and state troopers are always out but there is always an abundance of them on holiday weekends. I think I tend to normally a faster driver so I know Ive done this. If Im driving on the highway no matter where Im going I know that there is going to be a lot of cops looking for certain behaviors on the road (in this case, mostly speeding). I will reduce my speed, a lot less than the speed I normally drive, in fear of a higher cost ticket as well as the punishment of being pulled over. I just the risk of these formal punishments are extra high during these times.

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