What is Criminology?

My Standpoint:

If I was asked to define or even give my best explanation at what Criminology was this is what Id say. Criminology is the study of criminal behavior in less legal terms and more focused on psychology and sociology. I think this definition is flexible and different for everyone because it incorporate a lot. Ive spent a lot of my life looking at criminology and what that could mean for me and my future. Ive dreamed about growing up and pursuing a career in this field. I think Criminology is important for many reasons. It allows room for help with alleviating social injustice , discrimination and even with poverty. Criminology is so broad that so many aspect fall under that category.

Criminology in Legal Terms:

Criminology includes the study of all aspects of crime and law enforcement—criminal psychology, the social setting of crime, prohibition and prevention, investigation and detection, capture and punishment.


Who is Involved?

  • Legislators (a person who makes laws; a member of a legislative body)
  • Social workers (helps individuals, groups, and families prevent and cope with problems in their every day lives “diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional problems”)
  • Probation Officers (a person appointed to supervise offenders who are on probation)
  • Judges (an elected or appointed official who conducts court proceedings)
  • ect.

Current Articles:

As I was going through some online articles about what Criminology was and how its helpful and what it entails. I came across an article that went through all the different approaches Criminologist use during there career to asses different situations. This article was written by Dr. Martin Ahmad Mughal who studied at the Punjab University Law College; Superior Law College. This article really imprints on how Criminology is broad and that it can be personalized but also flexible on how things are run!

Something that I wanted to pull from the article that I found interesting and important was when the author said ” This paper tells Rational actor model of crime and criminal behavior is based on the notion of free will, it proposes that human beings choose to commit criminal behavior and can be deterred through the threat of punishment ” (Mughal, 2011)


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